* A form of identity Tugu Menara stylisasi is a Kudus, who have stated that the building as a specialty area and has become the Holy Symbol Kudus Regional District;
* All Lis (Java: seam) in the building symbolizes the Tugu Identity meaning seize the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 - 8 -1945 and the philosophical meaning of life and the views of Indonesia
bottom of the monument symbolizes the Kudus geographical District which consists of 3 parts, namely: the mountains, lowland areas, and swampland.
* Altar Tugu
Spheroid-shaped monument symbolizes beset basic spirit and determination in building a society Holy achieve realize the ideals of Proclamation 17 - 8 - 1945, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Tugu high identity is 27 meters, mix number 2 and 7 of the 9 (nine); the Wali Songo (Nine Guardians); the two (2) of which are in the Holy of Sunan Muria and Sunan Kudus