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Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Tugu Identitas

Identity monument Kudus struggle is a monument of the people in the Holy seize independence RI. This monument was built starting on 25 May 1986 and carried out by the opening of the Governor of Central Java, H. Ismail, on 28 September 1987.
* A form of identity Tugu Menara stylisasi is a Kudus, who have stated that the building as a specialty area and has become the Holy Symbol Kudus Regional District;
* All Lis (Java: seam) in the building symbolizes the Tugu Identity meaning seize the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 - 8 -1945 and the philosophical meaning of life and the views of Indonesia
bottom of the monument symbolizes the Kudus geographical District which consists of 3 parts, namely: the mountains, lowland areas, and swampland.
* Altar Tugu
Spheroid-shaped monument symbolizes beset basic spirit and determination in building a society Holy achieve realize the ideals of Proclamation 17 - 8 - 1945, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Tugu high identity is 27 meters, mix number 2 and 7 of the 9 (nine); the Wali Songo (Nine Guardians); the two (2) of which are in the Holy of Sunan Muria and Sunan Kudus


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