Saiman expression is not excessive, because the Kudus porridge similar dodol Garut, West Java, is already a special gift from the city. It's chewy sweet aroma with a variety of fruit. Molten metal is usually sold in small pieces, wrapped cellophane, and to include in the packaging dus.
In the Holy, there are hundreds of home industry porridge. However, a large and famous is called Saiman, Mubarok porridge. His porridge Mubarok, who produced Mubarokfood PT Cipta Delecia, is cikal-designate of the Kudus porridge.
Industry porridge was first dirintis by the husband-wife Mabruri and H Alawiyah in 1910. At that time, the door has not been given the brand, but still a side business. Mabruri main job as a blacksmith living in Jalan Sunan Muria, Glantengan Village, Kudus.
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