Two ancient fossil ivory elephant (Stegodon Trigono Chepalus Sp) found in Kali River mouth Dukuh Wuluh, Gondoharum Village, District Jekulo, Kabupaten Kudus, Java The middle. Fosill is already estimated to be between 700,000 to 1 million years. This location Patiayam part of the mountain there are many of the ancient fossil of the age. Some time ago the fossil ivory and elephant-body part is also found in ancient this area. Fossil ivory that has found the size 2 length, 14 meters and 2.73 meters with base diameter of each 14 cm.Dua fossil ivory is the first time found Sugeng Siswoyo, citizens RT 02/04 Dukuh Kaliwuluh, Monday (18 / 5) ago. "At that time I'm walking on the river edge. Suddenly, I see there are things such as bones in one of the cliffs sungai.Benda then we dig with my neighbor, Mr. Waridin, "said Sugeng the kesehariannya this work as a farmer. The findings are then reported to the village proceed to the local government District Jekulo. At the beginning of the found, the fossil ivory is still intact. Because of lack of excavation techniques, two ivory is broken into small pieces due to the already fragile condition. "We have submitted this fossil to the Government District (Pemkab) Kudus. Hopefully, the government gives attention to us who have worked hard to find and removing the fossil is, "added Sugeng. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Forum Site Pelestari Suprapto Patiayam Pemkab Holy urged not to stay silent on the number of discovery of ancient objects in the area Patiayam. The Government should prepare a budget for the management and preservation of the site conditions better. "In addition, the inventor of fossil also be given awards. Sites in Sragen Sragen, every citizen is given contriver Asih strap around the already determined. However, in the Holy has not done it well, "said Suprapto. Head of Culture and Tourism Office of the Holy Abdul Hamid also mengimbau residents in the surrounding Site Patiayam not know if the act itself or find a fossil. "Citizens who find a fossil, we have to report immediately so that the process of digging fossil can conducted by a team of experts. We have sosialisasikan this to local people. However, we still grateful to the people and prepare akan Asih rope to them, "said Abdul Hamid.Dua akan examined this fossil in the ancient heritage Conservation Center (BP3) with cooperate Archeology Center of Yogyakarta. Previously, on Tuesday (19 / 5) then, dozens of stone temples found in the area of District Office Prambanan, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Stones are estimated to still have relationship with the temple Sewu a distance of about 1.5 kilometers from the location of the findings. Stones are found first by Bambang, 35, and Sihono, 25, the local people who are digging holes in the back of the sub-district office complex. After digging deep to 1, 5 meters, two people find this stone is neatly arranged. Some even have a stone relief with motifs runner-suluran. The findings are then reported on the Central Conservation ancient heritage (BP3) in Central Java. Tim BP3 Jawa Middle and then make the identification and field study. Bongkahan stone that is found still have a relationship with Sewu Temple Complex which is located in the Prambanan Temple. "Most of the objects found in the form of body building, sungkup, and stone fields. For while there are 10 blocks of stone and four field blocks sungkup, "said an officer excavation, Rabiman.
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Fosil Gading Gajah Purba ditemukan di Kudus
Senin, 05 Januari 2009
Tugu Identitas

* A form of identity Tugu Menara stylisasi is a Kudus, who have stated that the building as a specialty area and has become the Holy Symbol Kudus Regional District;
* All Lis (Java: seam) in the building symbolizes the Tugu Identity meaning seize the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 - 8 -1945 and the philosophical meaning of life and the views of Indonesia
bottom of the monument symbolizes the Kudus geographical District which consists of 3 parts, namely: the mountains, lowland areas, and swampland.
* Altar Tugu
Spheroid-shaped monument symbolizes beset basic spirit and determination in building a society Holy achieve realize the ideals of Proclamation 17 - 8 - 1945, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Tugu high identity is 27 meters, mix number 2 and 7 of the 9 (nine); the Wali Songo (Nine Guardians); the two (2) of which are in the Holy of Sunan Muria and Sunan Kudus
Museum Kretek

Kretek Museum was built as a symbol of the Kudus City as Kretek, based on the idea of the Governor of Central Java at the time, H. Soepardjo Roestam and inaugurated the opening on 3 October 1986 by the Minister of Home Affairs in the Republic of Indonesia, H. Soepardjo Roestam. Museum Kretek goals is to present a collection of things related to the development of the Cigarette companies as an effort to increase entrepreneurship values of the past and the present time and to be enhanced in the future. Thus the younger generation on the current and future are expected to have a strong entrepreneurship spirit.
Kretek Museum is the place to reconstruct the history of the Kudus Rokok Kretek era glory King Rokok Kretek Holy, Niti Semito, the cigarette industry with the development of the modern era Holy now. So have the Museum Kretek function as a means of education, research and recreation.
Museum Kretek store various equipment and machinery making traditional Cigarette smoking klobot and promotion of cigarettes and facilities at that time. In addition, visitors can also observe the photographs documenting the history of the track Cigarette Holy and can also observe "diorama" which describes: the production process with the traditional hand (without tools) and the production of cigarettes Giling hand, which resulted in a Cigarette smoking and klobot; and the production of filtered cigarettes with modern machinery. In addition there is a diorama depicts the process of planting and processing of raw materials Cigarette (tobacco, cloves, corn and klobot).
Masjid Menara Kudus

Because of this mosque has a tower with a height of 17 meters and 100 meters wide around the person is often called the Holy Tower. The tower is a symbol of the Holy akulturasi between Hindu-Javanese culture with Islam.
The location is located in the eastern city of Semarang with the distance of 50 km. Location Menara Holy Mosque near the city center with the Holy, to about 1.5 km west
Nasi Pindang

Rice leaves that are so, suwiran chicken, and savory sauce bersantan this disantap-hot summer with discounts pindang eggs, fried brain, sate paru or sate puyuh eggs. Do not be surprised when I saw the Holy food crop. They cut the meat or eggs with the large scissors (such as scissors-era grandmother grandmother), not with a knife as usual. Pak Public Sulichan open until 10:00 pm.
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